Members can find the specific date payment is due on their bill. If there is a past due balance, that amount is due immediately.
If you are having trouble paying your bill by the due date, contact our office at 218-463-1543 or 888-847-8840. One of our customer service representatives will work with you on an acceptable arrangement. We can also direct you to agencies that may be able to provide assistance in paying your bill.
Roseau Electric offers several convenient payment options for you! You can find these on the bottom of the back page of your bill statement. They include the following:
Online: Easily make a payment through SmartHub
Pay By Phone 24/7: Call 1-877-999-3412 to make a payment by phone. (You will need your account number and PIN.)
In Person: Visit our office Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Automatic Payment: Set up auto-pay from a bank account or credit card through SmartHub today!
Drop Box: Drop your payment in the drive-through drop box location in our parking lot.
Mail: You may mail a check or money order payment along with your bill stub in the envelope enclosed with your bill. Make sure to mail in plenty of time to reach our office by the due date.
Payments must be received at our office by the due date indicated on your bill statement to avoid a penalty. The amount due including a penalty fee is displayed on your bill stub.